Music: Popular Artists I Dislike


 Music Nowadays Sucks

I’m going to type into Google “most popular music artists 2013” and see what comes up. Let’s see what we have here…


Jay Z

Well this is one of the first pictures I see. It’s shown under the “most frequently mentioned” under Google results.

First of all, Jay Z is a total asshole. Just look at his face, he thinks he’s so clever. Why do people buy his CD’s? His music isn’t that good. His raps are elementary. Speaking of rap, he can’t freestyle well, or make a single decent melody. So what good is he as a musician? I really don’t get it. I don’t get anything from his music. What do people see in his songs?

It’s like, there’s a lot of bands I don’t like. But I can at least say they are good musicians, so I respect them but stay away from their music. Jay Z just sucks. Technically and otherwise. How does this guy get by? He just shits out some half ass melodic chorus and writes some shitty lyrics in between. Complete slop.

The only song I remember from Jay Z was “school of hard knocks.” Other than that, I can’t remember a single fucking song he wrote. His music is all mainstream garbage that blends together into boring generic rap to $ell out so he can nab a little more money.



Lady Gaga


Lady Gaga

Look at this stupid bitch. I understand Lady Gaga gets enough shit as it is. But look at her, what is she doing? You can tell she’s trying to make a statement. But the only way to understand this statement is to be under the influence several designer drugs.

Let me ask, when did music become a somatic art? When did people like Lady Gaga start putting energy into their appearance rather their actual music? It’s like the music is secondary to her ego. When I listen to music I really don’t care who’s playing it. In fact most of the time I’d rather not know who’s playing it. It ruins it for me. Too many artists interjecting their egos into their music has spoiled their creations. When I hear their music, I just remember them and how big of an asshole they are and stop listening.





Here we go, Eminem. Even though his more recent music have been an attempt to stay in the game. I actually like this guy alot. For one he can freestyle, and sound like a total badass while doing it. Also his music takes some sort of technical skill to pull off. I really liked his first few CD’s. Also 8 mile was an awesome movie. Much respect for Eminem. At least there is one decent person in today’s popular music scene. However, I believe even Eminem has been forced to sell out a little. Don’t worry Eminem, you’ve already established yourself as a total badass. You’re too awesome for me to hate.

Lil Wayne

Lil Wayne

Kill it with fire! Seriously, look at how fucking ugly this guy is. He looks like a freshly taken piece of shit.

Now in addition to looking like a piece of shit, he acts like a piece of shit also. He glamorizes drug dealing, stealing, breaking the law. (All activities he would never do). Oh wait, he got busted for gun and drug possession *cough cough publicity stun. And he went to jail for a year. After 8 months of consensual ass rapings he got out of prison early for good behavior. Good behavior? Wow, what a total pussy.

This guy is a fraud, a wannabe. He can’t even freestyle so I don’t consider him a “rapper.” His arrival onto the music scene marked the death of hip hop. Just look at him smiling… as he trolls the world. Even he knows he’s an untalented piece of shit. He spews total garbage, then sits back and laughs as you people lap it up.  Nas, Eminem, Del, Talib Kweli any of these real rappers would destroy this joke in a rap battle and expose what a fraud he is. Hm… could that be way he has never battled any decent rap artist?

Die Lil Wayne, die.

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