Jesus doesn’t give a shit about you

Why do people pray to Jesus? He’s dead, and he doesn’t give a shit about you. If he can even give a shit in the first place, that is.

Jesus died almost two thousand years ago, supposedly. And supposedly, he died for our sins. That sounds pretty stupid to me. Jesus died by crucifixion. You know, where they drive thick nails into your hands and feet. Although, some say it was the wrists and the ankles, between the two bones of the forearm. They nailed the person to an upright pole or stake. The pole was then dropped into a hole with the person attached, so that the nails further tore into that person’s flesh. Then, with weight of body suspended in this manner, the person would eventually suffocate to death. For a time, that person would push themselves up with their legs to get each breath, but as they grew more and more exhausted, they could no longer do this, and would suffocate. If the death prolonged toward the evening, the soldiers would come along and break the legs of the victim as necessary to prevent them from continuing to support themselves by their legs, and thus sped up the process.

Sounds fun right? I’m pretty sure nobody would volunteer to be crucified. Wait, in fact I’m pretty sure it was a form of punishment…? Yeah. A lot of people were being crucified against their will during that time, not just Jesus. It was a common method of execution. The question is, did Jesus die on his own free will? If you were to confront a person who adheres to Christianity with this question, they would most likely say yes, Jesus was god’s son; a sinless man who died for our sins… god needed a sacrifice… or something nonsensical like that. Now if you were to point out one of the many ridiculous fallacies in their argument, or comeback with any logical argument or point whatsoever; they would most likely get super defensive; passive aggressively start quoting random passages from the bible; rambling; doing whatever they can to take attention away from the fact that they are incapable of providing a single shred of decent logic to their “argument.” Then would come the part where they treat you like a lost person, as if you are in need of their divine help. And would tell you that you need to read the bible or be saved, and then run away before they are found out.

Christians are incapable of providing logic. Because there is no logic behind their beliefs. Jesus lived over a thousand years ago. We don’t know who he was; what he was like; what he was thinking, or if he even existed for that matter. We are going by word of mouth. Putting our faith in a book that has been passed down and tampered with for hundreds and hundreds of years. Not only that, we look to people to interpret it for us. Jesus didn’t write the bible. You know who wrote it? People. And people lie all the time. How naive are you to be putting so much faith in what other people say? I don’t trust people. And neither should you. People lie; cheat; and manipulate, and they usually do it for their own benefit. Hm… The Bible started out as a story book, and that’s what it is. Stories. Fairy tales. It’s fun to read, but nothing to base your life off of.

This is a huge argument of a much larger scope. But some basic things can be said. We have no idea what happened to Jesus two thousand years ago; what he was thinking; or if he even existed. If he was alive in the first place, he is certainly dead now. And he probably doesn’t give a shit about you. If anything, he’s probably pissed off that you keep reveling in his worst moment. (Getting nailed to a piece of wood). Jesus is tired of your shit. That’s right, Jesus hates you, and your entire family. Quit praying to him and bothering him with your insignificant little problems. Pest.

The way I see it, Christianity is a way for scared; insecure people to make sense of this confusing world. It has no real substance. If you really believe that you can have a relationship with someone who you don’t even know, then you are an asshole. Maybe Jesus doesn’t like you; and doesn’t want a relationship with you. Did you ever think of that? Where’s his say in all this? You also don’t know if Jesus was a “god” with supernatural powers. To say you do either makes you an idiot. Or makes you naive for believing in others for no reason.

In my opinion, Jesus was a spiritually evolved human being for his time. Probably more than the average person in his time. But I doubt he was a god, with special powers. And he’s dead, and he probably wants to be left alone. So stop bothering him okay? 


4 responses to “Jesus doesn’t give a shit about you

  1. JOE ⋅


  2. Serah ⋅

    Not sure if anyone cares to read this, because people are well known in replying with their hatred, defying graven images of Christ, and just being overall negative.

    So here goes:

    You know…I can’t fault you or anyone else for the anger and bitterness.
    You’ve obviously made your choice at the time of writing this.
    This morning, I Googled “god doesn’t give a damn about us” and came across thus page.

    I did this, because I myself still sincerely struggle with resentment and anger towards God.

    As someone who knows in their heart of hearts that they’re saved, I’m still struggling in this walk not to get angry with Jesus on several occasions.

    I keep wondering why He won’t take my bad dreams away, or get me out of this life that I didn’t ask for.

    Some days I think that accepting Him into my heart was one of THE WORST choices that I could’ve made.
    I now am even MORE aware of the bad choices I’ve made throughout my life, as well as every evil and perverse thought that comes across my mind.

    Before accepting Him into my heart, I was completely oblivious and was just living an intentionally sinful life. I shredded a Bible that was made especially for me (pre-Christ), and cursed His name out of anger (post-Christ).

    Now with Jeus in my heart:

    1. I keep wondering over and over why He won’t get me away from hateful, vengeful, spiteful, lying people all round this world that continue to make fun of Him and blaspheme His name, as well as His image.

    2. I keep wondering why most days it seems He has me all alone on an alien planet where I don’t seem to fit in.

    3. I keep wondering why He allows the sick and dumb enemy satan (formerly known as lucifer) and all his stupid little minions to run wild causing perverson and chaos in an already fallen world full of evil and corruption.

    This list of wondering could go on and on, but at this point I’m just venting and He obviously won’t answer these questions at this point.

    With the right kind of belief systems, you know in your heart of hearts that all scripture (that is from God, of course) was truly inspired by Him.

    That’s WHY we get angry with Him.
    I guess it’s because our sinful nature cannot take His Holyness…I don’t know fully why….I ain’t Him.
    (Take it up with Him, because I’m seriously not here to argue.)

    Yes, the bible was written by man…but specifically by the honest hearts of man that Christ had chosen when changing their hearts from the inside out along this divine visions and so on.

    Were these men perfect? Not by a long shot.

    God is well known for using broken people.
    Just look at David, or Jonah, or Paul the Apostle, and so on…

    I pray that those shackles of bitterness and hatred are realased off us, and that satan’s grip is shaken off…for good.

    You’re angry, I get it.
    You have unanswered questions…I get that, too.

    Still, Jesus died to take on your sins, as well as mine.
    You and I are no better than the next person out here.

    Yeah, it’s tiresome, and I hope your heart truly changes.
    I’ve been there and still currently struggle.

    Take care and I pray that God removes those scales of anger and bitterness off your eyes while He too works on mine.

    It’ll surprise me if actually don’t get hateful comments in reply to this.
    In all honesty, I probably won’t even come back after leaving this comment.

    Be easy and may you let Him in.
    Peace to you and all that see this.

    • Paul ⋅

      Why didn’t God just eradicate Satan? Why not do to him what God threatens to do to us unless we love him? Just get Satan off this planet and torture him forever in the bowels of his own Hell. (Personally, I’d shove him in an oubliette.) Of course, God wouldn’t do that, because Satan is God’s agent sent here to test and torment God’s “beloved creatures”. Isn’t God great!? Have you noticed how anything to do with punishing human sin is straightforwardly black and white, but when it comes to ending Satan everything suddenly becomes convoluted and difficult with shades of grey? Can’t just annihilate Satan, we have to have a devastating war first, followed by locking Satan up for a thousand years before releasing him again! Yeah, you heard it. Murderers and terrorists usually get the death sentence or life in jail, but God will release the biggest c*nt in the universe, the origin of all pain, crime and disease, out into the world again. Nice!

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