Indiana: 8 Reasons This State Sucks


Ever had the misfortune of traveling or living in Indiana? If so then my condolences.

Indiana has to be the worst state ever. I had the misfortune of living there for two years. And I hated every minute of it. Now I live in Chicago. And breathing in the pollution is like a breath of fresh air. Seriously, I know Chicago is a total shit hole. But I’d rather live here than Indiana any day.


Here are some solid reasons why Indiana bites the big one:


1: Tom Petty

Tom Petty

Tom Petty is from Indiana. ‘Nuff said.

No wait, I got more to say, I hate Tom Petty. His music is boring and it sucks… just like Indiana.


2: Boring As Shit

Corn Field

Indiana in a Nutshell

*Yawn, what is there to do in Indiana? Nothing, zero, zilch. At least in Chicago or any other major city you have establishments. Indiana has… McDonalds… and maybe a K-mart if you’re lucky. If you want to do something in Indiana you’re shit out of luck. This may be one of the main reasons Indiana has one of  the highest depression rates in the country. Because people are bored out their fucking minds. And you’d be bored too if you had nothing to do but stare at fields of corn for several hours. Imagine living in Seattle; Amsterdam or some other eccentric place for years and suddenly having to live in Indiana. You’d want to kill yourself. People in Indiana are boring as well. They usually have nothing to say, and if they do it’s about their kids or their lawnmowers or some other trivial shit nobody cares about.

Yes children. This leads me to my next reason Indiana sucks.


3: Child Worship

I personally hate kids. They are loud; annoying; they smell like sour milk and urine… I could go on forever. However not everyone shares my opinion on children.  Pretty much everyone in Indiana loves kids. In some parts of Indiana they are the main focal point.

To illustrate how this is annoying let me tell you a story:

I was in a Culvers one day using the public restroom. I was in one of the stalls, I had the door latched. I was urinating when a man walked into the bathroom escorting his son. Now for some unknown reason, the little boy (who I assume was about 9 or 10) walks up to my stall and starts peeking through the door at me. He starts bitching to his father about how he wants to go into the stall I’m in. Now mind you, there were like 3 other stalls open he could have gone in, but of course he wants mine because he’s a self entitled little shit. So anyway, he keeps whining and bitching to his father about the stall while simultaneously staring at me while I urinate. So naturally I’m thinking “okay, the father is going to reprimand the child and let him know that this behavior is unacceptable, right? Of course not. The father just says something non nonchalant like “Bobby, quit playing around.”

How about “hey Bobby, quit peeping into my stall you little pedophile.”


Ban Kids

Seriously how is this acceptable behavior for a kid nowadays? When I was young I was shy. I would never had peeped at someone in a bathroom stall. I would have been too scared they’d say something. I was quiet kid. Why are all these kids today so fucking loud and brazen?

But this is the norm in Indiana. It’s all about the kids, the adults are like second class citizens.


4: Corn

Corn sucks. Ban corn.


 5: Lawnmowers

By fucking god, the lawnmowers. Every where, all the time. Twenty-four-mother-fucking-seven. You can’t eat; sleep; shit; listen to music; or even masturbate in peace without hearing someone’s fucking lawnmower. BRRRRNNNNNNN. Is that the way lawnmowers sound? Whatever.

Seriously, these people mow their lawns like EVERYDAY. Until their lawns are just one big brown mound of shit. And they love it too. You see them out there, all pumped up mowing their lawns like it’s the highlight of their sad, miserable life. And sadly it probably is.

I think it’s OCD… if they don’t mow their lawns everyday they think they’re bladders will spontaneously explode.

6: No Booze On Sunday

No Booze

Alright I have a lot to say about this one. This law just goes to show you how backwards Indiana really is. It’s one of the silliest rules ever. Logically and economically it makes zero sense. There is a lot of speculation as to how this law began and how it still manages to hold up today. A lot of people believe it started with Christianity, which makes sense since Sunday is the day of worship. On the other hand some people think it’s because of small businesses who would rather people purchase liquor at their storefronts, instead of picking up liquor on a Sunday trip to the grocery store.

Personally I think it stems from religion. Now having said that I’m going to digress back to my earlier statement when I said:

“This just goes to show you how backwards Indiana really is.”

Okay, so if this law is based around religion. Then what about all the non-Catholics who reside in Indiana? Christianity is one form of religion among dozens that are practiced in the United States. So the fact that a law based off one singular religion takes precedence in a state seems discriminatory doesn’t it? Some people don’t recognize Sunday as a day of worship, so why are they being forced into upholding a law that does? Uh oh.. looks like somebody needs to call the ACLU!

Now another absurdity of this law is, if you want booze on a Sunday, you can simply go to a bar and buy as many alcoholic beverages as you want. Or of course you can just stock up on liquor the day prior, and drink to your hearts content on Sunday.

Overall this law is backwards and outdated. And it should have been abolished a long time ago along with any other outdated beliefs. Remember, Indiana is the only state who still stubbornly upholds this law, which just goes to show how backwards they are.


7: Breeding

Bored out of your fucking mind? Sick of staring at corn? Why not PROCREATE.

People just lay around creating kids all day. These little shits are everywhere. I can’t eat or see a movie without some little kid screaming in the background. Everywhere you go you have to deal with somebody’s offspring. When will people understand that nobody likes your kids but you. Nobody finds your kids cute but you. In fact most people find your children very unpleasant and will go out of their way to avoid them… like me. Stop subjecting other people to your obnoxious kids. Keep your little monsters at home locked up in cages where they belong. Nobody likes them… did I mention I hate kids?


8: People in Indiana Have Never Left Indiana

People who live in Indiana think the world just drops off at the state lines. A lot of them have never left Indiana, or their own city for that matter. This kind of behavior leads to close mindedness. People in Indiana are very insular. Any outside people or ideas seem to intimidate their way of life.

Supposedly Asian people have it the worst. Which I don’t doubt in the least. While living in Indiana for two years I think I saw a total of 2 Asian people. And they looked like they wanted to get the fuck out of there. I don’t blame them.

Especially with dipshits like this around:

(Looks like it’s been removed for hate speech. Well, if you haven’t already seen the video here’s the summary).

Some faggot kid from Indiana makes fun of Chinese people. There that’s pretty much it.


Overall I believe Indiana seems to be a state that’s behind in the progression of humanity. It’s like they have their own little island, away from the world. Uncaring of the outside world. Only concerned with what’s in their little corner. The solution?


Just nuke Indiana off the face of the earth. Seriously what’s the worst that could happen? Sure people will be upset for a little while. But they’ll get over it. It’s time to take this state out of the union!

188 responses to “Indiana: 8 Reasons This State Sucks

  1. Leah

    The problem is it’s in the conservative midwest. I had been living in NYC for years,and recently had to come live in Michigan. Indeed it makes me want to kill myself thinking of staying here…

    • Charles Warren ⋅

      Dude, you’re 100% right on Indiana. From what I can tell these days is they’ve got a lot of hot motorbikes up there, especially in New Albany and Indy, but you can’t walk into a gas station and come out with a twelve-pack of beer. They sell it hot, on shelves–when and where they sell it. Liquor stores are closed on Sundays, which came to me as indicative of the dickweed mentality of the entire region.

      What I saw when I was in Indy was streets that went on for 20 miles of nothing but factories and slums and grain elevators.

  2. Andy Umbo ⋅

    Ditto Brother, my list would be 4 times longer than this. You didn’t even deal with the hillbilly drivers: 4 people maybe getting through on a left turn arrow, rusty pick-ups with mouth-breathers behind the wheel going down 465 at either 90 miles an hour or 30 miles an hour; no consumer protection laws so landlords raise rents 20% on renewal; no police, so thug gangs perpetrate home invasion robberies in neighborhoods all over Indianapolis in broad daylight, unmolested; no mass transportation, so you can never be free of a car; it goes on, and on, and on. The vacuous blonde soccer-mom republican baby factories, so the advertising is matrix’d for all “family” all “kids” all the time (you don’t even want to watch tv). Indianapolis is 39% below national average in household income too. I have to pay my staff of college grads the same as my nephew makes working in a warehouse in Wisconsin. Anybody want to give the republicans control of their state to shrink government and lower taxes? You better spend a few months in Indy and see if you don’t run towards socialism.

  3. I hate The Midwest ⋅

    I could not agree more! Indiana sucks donkey balls, nothing but FAT closed minded inbred fucks!

  4. dave ⋅

    Don’t forget about the climate is humid as hell in the summer and colder than shit in the winter and theres no in between. This state SUCKS!!! oh yeah and theres nowhere good to fish, all the water is nasty. Even the carp are committing suicide. cant forget all the chiggers and turkey mites and all the disease floating around in the air. If the earth had a butthole, it would be Indiana.

  5. John sheep ⋅

    Yes, this place licks dog balls. It is full of boring, one dimensional, closed-minded hypocrites. These people go around with their heads so far up their asses that they can’t see what’s really going on around them. A good analogy is like they are house cats; over fed, lazy, don’t care about what is going on outside their little bubble, constantly self grooming by means of constantly mowing their stupid ass lawns. You can imagine more examples. It is mostly white, yes, but, even if you are white and you are in between jobs or you don’t have some so called important highpaying job, you are seen as lesser. Like all the skilled craftsmen that are needed are seen as lower. Fuck this weather too. 5% nice, 95% dreary, depressing shit. People here are content to do the same thing every day, over and over and over. Ugh. Fuck it, i’m out of here. Life is too short to rot in this stagnant shit hole

  6. Charles McLaughlin ⋅

    Where the fuck do you live. You piece of shit. How about I talk shit about your state you dumb motherfucker. You know nothing about our state and have no say in it. And trust me wherever your stupid ass lives is probably worse than Indiana so go fuck yourself.

    • John Fox ⋅

      Dude this place is garbage. I just moved here in December, and am already working on my way out. This is a conservative, under developed shit hole. People are fucking rude as hell, and act entitled. They aren’t friendly. Seriously we need to remove this shit hole state from the union. This place should deal with its own problems on its own, without any help from the union. This homophobic, ignorant shit stain of a state should be removed from the history books.

    • What do you think everyone who insults your shit state comes from a neighboring shit Midwestern state and you can have a “whose state sucks the least” contest? Just because nobody ever relocates to your shithole from remotely nice locales, nobody from interesting parts of the world has a summer home in your state and there are zero tourists coming from said remotely interesting regions, means the only out-of-staters you encounter come from cookie cutter Midwestern, flat Purgatories such as your own. Wow, what can you put someone down with? 100 miles of corn is better than 100 miles of wheat??

    • Nick Flemming ⋅

      Charles, He said he lives in Chicago. Can you read, Hoosier? BTW, nice Hoosier Hospitality there, Hoostard.

    • Scott Conklin ⋅

      Tom Petty is not from Indiana he is from Gainesville Florida

      Sorry Mclaughlin but everybody is right everything in Indiana sucks, and yes I unfortunately live here. But not too much longer my sentence is almost served.

    • Chad ⋅

      Well I have lived indiana for 43 years since the day I was born. I have traveled to roughly half of the continental states for work. Lived in Florida for a few winters as a kid and N.C. for my work (construction- stayed for about six months) several of years ago. Our state had potential 20 years ago, but now… well… it’s sucks. The hard times have changed people here for the worst. It’s more than just small minded opinions though, because apathy seems to be the emotion most people can muster as the best case scenario on a daily basis, with blatantly aggressive meanness being the next emotional state. It truly makes me sad to admit it, but Indiana and it’s people have a lot of problems and even other people from other states have begun to take notice… While we might not like the way others say it, we shouldn’t lose sight of the fact that there are real reasons why they are saying it…

    • Sean Smith ⋅

      Indiana is the MOST disgusting state in our country and I have been to 38 states and lived in six different states. It is even worse now that it has found its footing as the wacko Christian conservatives. You really need to explore beyond the cesspool you call home.

    • Colton ⋅

      A calm down u whiny little bitch people like u make Indiana seem like a piece of shit

  7. Cornhuskingindianafag ⋅

    What part of Indiana did you stay at? North and South are a lot different. Half the things said on here are false. I’m from Fort Wayne, it’s not so bad here.
    1. Tom Petty is from Florida.
    2. There is corn in a lot of rural areas of any state
    3. I have left Indiana many times
    4. You can buy alcohol Saturday night and stock up for Sunday
    5. Breeding: I’m 29 and I don’t have any kids
    6. I do not own a lawnmower.

    If you’re that negative you probably just suck in general.

    • Well I’d like to thank you, I’m glad you took the time to meticulously read my article. And neatly point out all the flaws you found with a numbered list. You can pay attention, I’ll give you that. However it’s your common sense that is lacking.

      See there’s a difference between “one,” and “many.” For instance, just because you do not own a lawnmower, just because you do not have any kids, and just because you have left the state of Indiana does not mean everyone else in Indiana is the same as you in those instances… Since you know, you’re not the only person living there, (It’s a fair sized state.)

      So again I would suggest learning the difference between “one” and “many.” One place where they teach this is Kindergarten. Good luck.

    • Kevin Smith ⋅

      I live in Indiana and have lived all over the planet, and Indiana sucks. No one mentioned how seriously Hoosiers take themselves.

    • Ya boi ⋅

      Classic Indiana move getting offended by nothing

  8. Fuck Indiana ⋅

    I was born and raised in shithole Indiana, and I agree with 99% of this article, including the comments. What I also hate about Indiana is the racist blacks. Most people are either ok or rude, but if you see any groups of black guys, they walk around acting like they are going to kick the shit out of every white person.

  9. Brock ⋅

    I know you probably know this, but not all people in Indiana are like this… And I agree, kids today are annoying (even I think that, and I am a child), but not all of them are total assholes. Sorry.

  10. Tee Hee

    Having lived in Indiana for a too long a period of time (relocated from the west coast for what was intended to be a brief visit), I can state that, without a doubt, Indiana does suck. It was nearly impossible to make friends. I was told by the one good friend I did make that since I was not a native, I would never be accepted, so stop trying. I married an Indiana native (the only good thing about my adventures there, but he wasn’t bigoted or insular…a rare find). Having the temerity to “snatch up” a local boy put me even higher on the local s-list. When we had children, I encouraged them to move out of the state at the first opportunity, advice they thankfully followed. Recently, we relocated to Iowa and it’s like day and night. Still Midwestern, but the people are genuinely friendly and the scenery is nicer.

  11. Billy Bob Brubeck ⋅

    Indiana is great place to beat up minorities and restrict people’s rights. If you don’t like it, get out. I am a cop.

  12. Andy Umbo ⋅

    Just finished a book called White Trash, the 400 year untold history of class in America. Had to laugh, found this near the end:

    “As the gap between rich and poor grew wider after 2000, conservatives took the lead in white trash bashing. In Black Rednecks and White Liberals (2005), the economist and Hoover Institute fellow Thomas Sowell connected the delinquency of urban black culture to redneck culture. The book begins with a quote dating to 1956: “These people are creating terrible problems in our cities. They can’t or won’t hold a job, they flout the law constantly and neglect their children, they drink too much and their moral standards would shame an alley cat.” His assumption was, the readers would associated the quote with a conventional racist attack. But it was aimed at poor whites living in Indianapolis, and reflected ‘undesirable’ southern whites who lived in northern cities.”

    No phrase has ever been written truer about Indiana and Indianapolis. Having moved to Indy from the educated northern mid-west states, where the working class were emigres from German trade guilds, and the factories had reading and symphony clubs in the 30’s and 40’s; coming to Indy where the working class are failed dirt farmers from Kentucky and Tennessee, is almost unbearable. I’ve been trying to get out since the day I came and saw this mess. I have never lived in an area of the country (and I’ve lived in many) where the population is so shamelessly promotional about absolutely nothing!

  13. Tom Petty is from Florida dude…but yea…Indiana sucks! and so does Florida…funny how u said indiana people never leave…wrong..they do leave…they go to fucking Florida…packing all those snot nosed fucking kids with them…sometimes I wish that Hitler had been exhiled to Indiana so he would have lost his shit and Holocausted all of those stupid fuckin inbred hicks…!!!

  14. kathy ⋅

    reasons I hate Indiana: the water is full of rust (it’s yellow like dark piss) stains the bath, clothes, you stink after a shower, the people are all related and stupid, no one does their skilled job right (dentists, office personnel, etc..), it’s cold 9 months out of the year, the roads are narrow and tore up (instead of paving them again they put gravel that’s doesn’t stay on the roads), on top of state and federal taxes there are county taxes too, there’s a death tax which takes half of what’s inherited. this is just off the top of my head. there’s other things that is more specific to my location. I’ve lived in 5 other states and this is by far the absolute most shitty place ever. I get physically sick and depressed thinking I will waste my life here. Because of my husband who works here, I cant leave.

    • Andy Umbo ⋅

      I feel your pain, Kathy. I’m 62, and had to move here because I needed a job after being with my mother until she died. Hate to say it, but much better areas of the country wouldn’t hire me because of my age; in Indy, they don’t care and are happy to abuse the elderly as well as the young. Talk about physically sick and depressed? After the first few weeks here, when I realized what it was like, I started up depressed, that is, when I can sleep. Total depression every-single-day…I stare in the mirror in the morning, and wonder what karmic violation I perpetrated against the forces, to have to live here with these people…this place is truly that bad, and I’ve lived in 5 states too…

  15. Albert ⋅

    At least it isn’t Kentucky.

    • Andy Umbo ⋅

      Nobody would of their own volition move to Kentucky or Tennessee. Indiana is a “stealth” hillbilly state. You think, “…well, that’s the mid-west, so it might be OK…” Nope, then you get down here and find out the history, like largest number of registered KKK people, over every southern state! It’s like they kicked the worst trash out of those states into Indiana!

      Heard this recently: What’s a Hoosier? A hillbilly from Kentucky or Tennessee that lost their way to Detroit.

  16. Amber

    I hate it here in Indiana. I’ve lived here my whole life and can totally relate to all of this. I hate kids so much!! And the Amish have like 15 of them! Ugh! Ever since I visited South Carolina, I am totally convinced Indiana is definitely the worst state. Maybe Ohio as well because they are practically the same thing. At least until you get more East.

  17. Kenyon ⋅

    Tom Petty is from Ganesvill, Fl

  18. Kevwal ⋅

    Number 9-Notre Dame and all their lemmings.

  19. Jacob Day ⋅

    I have lived in Indiana my whole life and, while some may find Indiana a boring corn filled state, there is actually plenty to do. For example, hiking, canoeing and biking and that’s just the tip of the proverbial iceberg. It all depends on whether you’re willing to search for an activity, rather than sit on your butt and wait for an opportunity to present itself. Not everyone likes kids and lawnmowers, but put some music on and deal with it. It’s not NYC, where you can hear rape, traffic and murder all at the same time. My family and I, along with many people I know are not racist, anti-LGBT or Republican. I myself am free party.

    In short, it all depends on what you actively choose to do, rather than sit on your ass and complain. I’m not saying Indiana is the best place in the world or that the author cannot have his/her own opinions, just that the author should give Indiana another chance, rather than hopping on a computer and whining about how Indiana sucks! If you don’t like Indiana, then you can move and spread your hate somewhere else.

    • Zach ⋅

      Someone finally made some sense!

      • Andy Umbo ⋅

        You know, Jacob and Zach, one of the basic tenets all emigres to Indiana agree on, is that people here are smug and arrogant, and they’ve never lived anywhere else and don’t know anything about the greater U.S. You’ve just proved this with your “lived in Indiana my whole life”, statement. So you really have no idea how bad Indiana is because you have no experience elsewhere. Trust the commenters on here, it IS that bad.

        One of the first things I learned down here is to never trust anything you read or hear in the media. Some lame food critic in the NUVO paper, or in the Indy Star, has no idea what good food tastes like. It’s all opinion based on…nothing. And living nowhere, and experiencing nothing.

        I’ve been here 3 years, and have been trying to get out since I came. It’s so bad, that I never moved my household here and left it in storage out of state. I can pack up my car with all I have and get out the minute I get a new job or retire!

    • Tj

      You’ve lived their your whole life so as said above, you have no ability to compare. I lived in Central Indiana 0-19 and then j I joined the Army. When I arrived to my next “home” I kid you not I thought I was in heaven in earth. Public Transportation, clean walking friendly streets, community events, great weather, a clean useful river for kayaking, no miles of corn. At first I thought wow, this place is the greatest place in the world. It took moving three more times and seeing the same great things in more places before I realized it wasn’t these places that were so good. It was Indiana that is so bad, at least the middle of it. Sorry but as someone who could formerly say I’ve only lived in Indiana, yes it is awful at least in the middle. The only thing good I can say for the Muncie area is that summer nights are nice and warm even after dark…if you don’t mind the mosquitos.

    • Jam ⋅

      Such a typical Hoosier response. You listed biking, canoeing and hiking..really? You can do that damn near anywhere on Earth without being subjected to Indiana’s bland scenery. You then go on to the furthest extremes of NYC. The murder rate of NYC has been on the decline since it’s peak in 1990, can’t say the same for Indianapolis which is the opposite. And of course the typical “If you don’t like it then you can just GIT!” crap.

  20. Not a redneck ⋅

    I have been in this shithole they call Indiana for far too long. There are no upsides to living here. The people are the biggest problem. You have your meth heads. Far too many of them. Then there are your ignorant, bigoted Republicans. They vote straight right in every election, even though every value they hold is not that of a true Republican. Most find it easier to spell than Democrat, and vote that way because “Papaw, Meemaw, Bubby, Sissy or whatever fucking idiotic term they use for a family member did.
    The top profession in the state is Welfare recipient, due mainly to the average Hoosier having a 4th grade education.
    A few more lovely traits to list of the locals.
    Shitty drivers. Wearing pajama pants in public. Poor, piss fucking poor, hygiene. Soap is cheaper than cigarettes, but apparently less essential to these dirtfucks.
    The rednecks have to have mini family reunions in EVERY fucking store they go to, at the end of EVERY fucking aisle, making navigating said store goddamned impossible. Don’t plan on getting in and out. Not going to happen.
    The roads are awful. Downright terrible.
    Don’t even get me started on the weather.
    If you live in a small town, you will be treated like absolute dog shit because you didn’t grow up there. The local yocal, toothless pajama bums will receive top notch treatment. Indiana caters to the EBT card user, but shits all over the working class.
    People here greatly suffer from Peter Pan syndrome. Most adults in Indiana share a maturity level with their preteens. Moms either dress like a 12 year old girl, or live in filthy Spongebob Squarepants pajama pants, men’s t shirts that expose their fat bellies and muffin top, tattered house slippers, and unnatural hair colors, (green, pink, blue, etc.) The men are mostly fat, rude slobs. Excessive facial hair and body odor. Year round wearing of camoflauge.
    The state bird is the vulture. The state flower is the Fart Blossom. The official state drink is whatever Light beer has a Colts logo on it.
    Fuck this state sideways. Thank God I am moving my family far from here very soon.
    My only wish is that some horrible disease spreads all over this state and wipes out the entire population. It would be a good thing for the country as a whole.

    • Oh man. While this kinda made me laugh, it’s also a little sad. The whole article and this comment reminds me of Arkansas, which is where I’m from. I drove through Indiana on my way to Michigan last year. Found this blog post and it reminded me of why I don’t want to do that again.

      P.S. You can’t buy liquor on Sundays in Arkansas either. 😉

      • Ratty Atk

        I came here after using indiana as a conduit toward, and away from, Michigan last night. I live in Georgia. Georgia has its share of rednecks, hillbillies, and uneducated rednecks – but my God, Indiana…it’s in another (poorer, uneducated) league. The highways i drove on are little more than gravel packed dirt roads, and they call them interstates. Hygiene – or lack thereof – rivals the homeless drug addicts in Atlanta, and apparently is just as acceptable. Agreed if you’re not a local, “you ain’t squat”…it’s unbelievable how rude people are in Indiana. I found it grotesquely funny, since they were acting elitist about the worst state in the union and their unbelievably arrogant ignorance. I tend to have business in Michigan from time to time, from now on I plan to go out of my way to avoid Indiana even if i have to cross the whole state of Michigan from Holland to Detroit just to get to I-75 so I can travel through Ohio instead. Fuck Indiana – what a shithole.

  21. Scott Conklin ⋅

    Tom Petty is not from Indiana he is from Gainesville Florida

  22. Glen ⋅

    So glad to find this & others that see what this Hell hole is. Try the northern part . Elkhart County is nothing but backwards, low I.Q., self centered, rude, Ill mannered jerks. Walked past someone in public and automatically they look down in fear you might say hi, or good morning to them . I like to call it the Elkhart look down . Not to mention the Mennonite who are the the epitome of rude. So glad I’m NOT from here & will be out soon

  23. I could come up with about 800 reasons why Chicago sucks, so shut your damn pie hole. I love Indiana.

  24. Radioactive Smile ⋅

    NUKE THEM! Hahahahahahahahaaaa!

  25. Radioactive Smile ⋅

    Turn indiana into a nuclear power plant with 400 reactors. Every one will have electricity! Hahahahaaaaa!

  26. Ex-Hoosier ⋅

    Kinda ironic all this talk of nuclear fission, eh? Indiana is one of the most polluted states in the country. Radon gas from radium is exposing millions in Indianapolis to a number of miliseiverts of radiation yearly. Crane Naval Base just 25 miles southwest of Bloomington is the 3rd largest naval base in the world and stores and maintains thousands of the nation’s nuclear missiles — ICBM, SLBM, POLARIS, and so on. Newport Chemical has stored tons of waste and VX near Terre Haute, and 3 PCB superfund sites are in Bloomington from Westinghouse, RCA and GE — all long gone factories. The economy is horrible and cancer rates are staggering. I lost my tumor-infested thyroid in Bloomington due to being exposed to radioactive waste when I lived in Indiana for 9 years. That was the worst 9 years ever, but I had a great job, until the lay-off. It was NOT worth the money! Get out of indiana before it’s too late. That state is toxic and RADIOACTIVE! Thank God I’m in central Illinois. It’s much cleaner and the people are a lot more honest. In Indiana everything is a cover-up. Some one should contact the NRC and EPA. This state is an environmental hazard and people are suffering. DO NOT LIVE IN INDIANA EVER! EVER! EVER!

    • Andy Umbo ⋅

      I love how you say the people are more honest where you are now. It’s no mystery as to why Angie’s List started in Indianapolis; altho a ‘head scratcher’ elsewhere.

      When I was living in Milwaukee, everybody knew a good contractor, plumber, or electrician; not to mention, you were pretty safe just opening the yellow pages. When I lived in Chicago, everyone always said: “…I gotta guy…”, meaning they knew someone that wouldn’t screw you. When I got here, the contractors (as well as the rental people), were pure criminals! I had to laugh, I was reading the paper shortly after I got here, and some Asian company was in town buying up and restoring properties in some of the run-down sections of Indy; and they already were in court suing 5 contractors for taking money and then not performing the work!

      Indianapolis is pure hell…

  27. Kenyon ⋅

    It’s difficult to take this seriously when your number ONE reason is flat out incorrect. Please fix your page!

  28. Luna Moth ⋅

    It’s really radioactive???? Oh no! One time I was out on the water near Bedford in Southern Indiana. After the sun had set, I noticed and eerie phosphorescent shimmer in the water. I won’t be fishing there anymore. And yes, Indy is very scary. I’m gearing up for a move in a couple years. Indiana sucks!

  29. What the hell is a "Hoosier???" ⋅

    Fuck that state sideways! Indiana sucks! Sucks! Sucks!
    1. Very smug & selfish people
    2. Violent & psychotic people
    3. Can’t get my vodka on Sunday
    4. Fake hypoChristians
    5. These assholes would kill ya for 2 bucks in Indianapolis and Gary
    6. I’ve never seen a state so promotional about NOTHING
    7. Very bad hygiene
    8. Extremely boring
    9. Unhealthy and full of mutants
    10. The bugs and the butts are HUGE!! Especially in Bloomington and Martinsville
    11. They eat pig brains and chitterlings!
    12. Very prejudiced and arrogant
    13. Too many hillbillies
    14. No jobs
    15. Racing cars in circles is very lame
    16. Every one and their lousy dog has an STD
    17. It’s very ghetto and run-down
    18. Too expensive
    19. Every one is on psych meds. Thank you, Lilly Pharmaceuticals!
    20. Crooked politicians embezzle tax money and can’t fix the shitty roads!
    21. More reasons to nuke Indiana: Farty-anapolis, Fart Wayne, BloomingFart, Fartlumbus, Fartinsville, ElkFart, Fartfayette, Fartfield, Fartvansville, Fartmond, KokoFart, Fartcie, CrawFartsville, BedFart, Fartolitic, Fartmore, Fartbend, Fartshawaka, Terre Fart, Fartster, and by all means…. FARTY-ANA SUCKS!

  30. Salus Populi Romani ⋅

    I’m ashamed of living in Indiana. 😦

  31. In the Midwest ⋅

    The whole midwest is like this. I’m only stuck here because of my job. Thank God I have one! Indiana is very polluted, though.

  32. mistymint

    I was born in Indiana and I have been raised in this shitty state for my whole life, and let me just make it clear that this whole article states nothing but truth. God, I would move if I had the money to, but unfortunately, that is probably never going to happen. Indiana is not a nice place to live, unless you absolutely love being bored out of your mind. People in my town just run to Louisville, Kentucky whenever they want to do something “fun” for once. In Indiana, we have a good amount of lakes, woods, and fields. Sometimes you’ll see a bowling alley, or maybe a decent park, but that’s it. Don’t even get me started on the school system, either. Also, do I even have to mention all of the drugs? Just please, somebody, set me up a Go Fund Me so I can get out of this state.

  33. k ⋅

    which part of indiana did you live in? there are parts that aren’t anything like you’re describing. central indiana is where it’s at. and i really don’t like that you said the solution is to nuke indiana. it’s not the only conservative state with a lot of cornfields. the people that live there aren’t all conservative and/or ignorant

    • Andy Umbo ⋅

      Sorry K, I live in Indianapolis, and it IS all that screwed up and more! I’m 62 and lived all over the U.S, been here 3 years for a job and am leaving within 2 months. Central Indiana isn’t where it’s at, it’s an area of the state with a few more “out-staters” that are locked in this hell-hole, and bring a little more cosmopolitanism to the picture, so it only “seems” a little better, but it is not. If you read the comments from “out-staters” on all the anti-Indy web-sites, you realize that the people here really have zero idea of what living in a nice place is really like, since they’ve never been any where else! Some Indy lifer from Indianapolis who thinks it’s better in Indianapolis as compared to “Hill-Billy” Indiana, is sadly mistaken. Go spend a year in Minneapolis, Milwaukee, Madison, Chicago, or Kansas City and then come back here and tell me that! Most “out-staters” agree that Indianapolis, AND Indiana, are filled with people who haven’t been anywhere, and don’t know anything, but are smug and arrogant about their state. Nothing gets fixed unless you can see that it’s broken!

    • X ⋅

      Don’t nuke Indiana. It’s already way too radioactive!!!

  34. Name ⋅

    Why do u suck????

  35. Cross county1 ⋅

    I never thought of Indiana one way or the other (I live in Naperville il, near Chicago). Today made me hate this State with great passion. I was driving back from upstate Ny and was making great time driving down interstate 90. I was driving on the turnpike and was baffled by the road work. Some satist came up with repairing a bridge every ten miles and backing up traffic up 7 miles each time to 5 miles per hour. Then it would go back to 70 for another 3 miles just so you think you were past it and then it would go back to 10 mph for the next 7 miles. This repeated 4 times and made a 1hour drive into a 4 hour drive to get through Indiana. At 2pm on a road I am paying tolls on. There is semi tire pieces all on the side of the road and it looks trashy everywhere. Then we stopped off at a travel plaza and my wife took my 2 children in the ladies room and saw 6 truck stop hookers cleaning their privates and their mouths in the sink. There was 6… I am not exaggerating. We then got out of there thinking we were done with this awful state only to have the last 7 miles being coned off and moved from 5 to 3 lanes with no construction being done in those lanes. The whole time Krazy Kaplin billboards are every 20 ft trying to sell fireworks. With all the traffic going to Chicago making this sketchy as hell. It is a sad day when driving through Chicago rush hour traffic is a relief. I now hate this entire state just because of the people who run the highways. Indiana brags about the low taxes, but from what I have seen it is a mess.

    • Andy Umbo ⋅

      Cross Country 1

      This is all due to hill-billy contractor construction companies, and the states push for “public-private” relationships in contracting. The newspaper here just had a big expose of a private contractor walking off a Indiana federal highway project that’s months overdue and millions already spent; and all the cones are still up and the work undone! What little tax money they get here, they want to make sure that rich folks from Carmel get it, even when they can’t do the job!

      And, yes, the brain-dead here do NOT know how to set up road construction projects to keep the traffic moving. Moving traffic doesn’t seem to be a priority!

  36. I am trapped in this place after moving from Texas I am so bored and fuck the people in this place because im Asian and they act psychotic with asians. Many people have already called me retard or insulted me in some way.So this is literally hell. Also there’s no fucking diversity, so I can’t make any friends and the blacks are rude as hell.

  37. E-minor ⋅

    Bloomington, Indiana has been contaminated by nuclear fallout. Radiation is in the water, the air and the dirt. I lost my thyroid and am very sick as a result of being exposed to chronic but low levels of radiation in this town. Also note, there are ridiculously high levels of radon gas in southern and central Indiana. Please avoid Indiana. It is toxic!

    • Andy Umbo ⋅

      I’ve been here three years and am leaving shortly. I refuse to drink the tap water here, and have drunk only bottle water since I got here. The “craftsmanship” of the Tenn. and Kentucky. hillbillies that permeate almost all working class positions in this state, would horrify anyone from the upper Midwest! I can only imagine it is so in the water-works as well. Almost half the people I’ve met have someone in their family dying of cancer. It’s either the poor quality water maintained by hillbilly working class, or the pesticides blowing over everyone. Get out soon!

      • Electricity... Not Bombs! ⋅

        Bloomington is the worst. 3 PCB superfund sites. Crane naval base tests, stores and manufactures radioactive weapons from depleted uranium-238 and the people idolize their cesspool of a town. The whole state sucks, really! Thank God I’m out. Indiana is a horrible place. No nuclear power plants, all coal! Dirty! But they love their nukes! Stupid.

    • Electricity... Not Bombs! ⋅

      Blame Crane naval base. They polluted the area with uranium-238. It’s a radiation zone. Get out ASAP!

  38. Liz Miller ⋅

    1. I love Tom Petty. I even brought his 1996 tour shirt here.

    2. Karaoke and bars…nuff said

    3. There are kids everywhere you go

    4. Corn is delicious, feeds animals, and is basically in every food product. Corn syrup, corn flour, etc.

    5. I enjoy the smell of fresh cut grass.

    6. Sunday is the Lords day so alcohol is not needed but if it is, plan ahead and buy it Saturday.

    7. Sex is fun. Plus I find this point invalid because it it’s basically a duplicate of point 3 just regarding how children are made.

    8. Because everyone stays you build a community of people who will help you out in a time of need.

    #midwest does it best. Lawyered.

    • Ratty Atk

      Let me guess…you’re a native that’s never lived anywhere else your entire life.

    • Show me ⋅

      Missouri is way better than indiana!! Midwest is the best. Indiana is a hillbilly state. That state is not Midwestern at all.

      • Chuck Wilson ⋅

        That’s why the people from St. Louis call their “white trash” Hoosiers because there were a bunch of hilljack scabs that went to St. Louis during a labor strike in the 1930s and they were scab workers from Indiana. Indiana has always been anti-union and anti-worker as well and its been that way my life and my fathers life and he’s in his late 60s. So the St. Louis terminology of the word “Hoosier” is basically equivalent to the term in most places referring to “white trash. ”

        As someone who was born and raised in Indiana by people who don’t act like they are from Indiana I despise HOOSIERS because the stereotype is largely true and Indiana has a huge white trash problem as does a lot of America. The interesting thing is watching the local newspaper in the county of 50,000 I currently live in and see all of the wife beaters, alcoholics, child abusers, drug heads, meth addicts, and human trash and deadbeats that refuse to work. Just a bunch of lowlife Kentucky transplanted dirt farmers that produce very little and just take up space. Uneducated, trashy, unprincipled and with basic common sense that most people elsewhere would have. In essence, most of Indiana is a white trash paradise.

    • Farty-ana ⋅

      Yuck… All those atoms!

      • Gross! ⋅

        Living in indiana is like playing a bad hand of cards in a losing game of poker with a pack of rats! That state is toxic and Jack-poker as all get-out! Plus, the guys are gross pervs and there are bedbugs and roaches everywhere. EVERYWHERE! The food is awful. The people stink. That is a very dirty place. AVOID!!!

      • IndianaSucks! ⋅

        Phones balogna as a $3 bill! That state sucks. Thank God I don’t live there.

      • IndianaSucks! ⋅

        Phony balogna!

      • IndianaSucks! ⋅

        Plus the crappy water there is loaded with PCBs and some nuclear crap from the Manhattan Project. Indiana sucks!

    • IndianaSucks! ⋅

      Too much farting…

  39. kpmsprtd ⋅

    Indiana born and raised. Left as soon as I could after high school. Unfortunately, this page is full of truth. Indiana sucks greatly. You have been warned.

  40. Dasheera ⋅

    9: 16 year old fat bitch lives there

  41. Andy Umbo ⋅

    Recent article from the USA Today business section was about how California was now rated in the bottom of quality of life studies, mostly because of the costs. Who was done in the bottom 5 with them? Indiana. Who was in the top 5 quality of life states? Wisconsin was one, the state I left to come here for a job. Whata mistake, and headed back by May. Indiana and Indianapolis? The third world in the U.S.

  42. margaritahola ⋅

    I have lived here my whole life, and I’ve always felt like I was different from the people around me. I found this blog while looking for a school project idea, and at first I laughed. I read every comment, and after awhile I was sort of convinced that Indiana is terrible. In grade school and high school I remember new students from other states always said Indiana sucks. The water does suck. There are things to do, but probably not so much as other states. Public transportation needs more work. Roads and driving in general is dreadful. …people seem to be on edge all the time, sort of depressing. But, finally, you can buy alcohol on Sundays as of 3/4/18! There are a couple of great cities/towns. However, even as a local I feel like an outsider in the city I live in. I am a happy person and don’t get bored easily. But after reading how wonderful other states are, I feel like I need to visit some other places for sure.

  43. Colton ⋅

    I’m from boonville Indiana , and I agree with every thing u said , but u sound like a whiny little bitch having a tantrum because u have nothing better to do

    • Chuck Wilson ⋅

      Wow, you’re from fucking Boonville which is another nondescript Indiana shithole city that they need to call in an airstrike on. The only redeeming quality that shithole has going for it that its not in Kentucky although its only about 25 miles to Henderson and maybe more to Owensboro. Which are both two certified shithole dump areas to start with. Maybe they can use SW Indiana as a big toxic waste dump or test nuclear weapons there.

  44. Colton ⋅

    U can actually get alcohol on Sunday now

  45. M ⋅

    Indiana sucks, but you’re an idiot as well.

  46. Joci ⋅

    I’m a Hoosier, and would just like to point out that we’re not just all racist, boring corn lunatics. I’m not even twenty, and I’ve been out of state multiple times. Plus, there are different regions of Indiana (North, Middle, South) that are distinctly different. I have met many people of many races and creeds, and none of them are racist.

    I would like to also comment and say that wanting someone to nuke hundreds of thousands people just for being Hoosier is… just wrong. I don’t see how you could wish something so horrendous on people who breathe, live, and work, just the same as you. People would be mad, for a long while. Wishing death to people for being from a certain state is awful and disturbing. We’re not just corn.

    I appreciate that you are expressing your opinion, but could you please do it in a different, more polite, more factual manner. Ranting about how one state is boring is going to get you nowhere. Just because we’re a less urban state doesn’t mean we deserve to be part of the Union any less than others.

    • Andy Umbo ⋅

      Joci…Facts and Stats, all from reputable journalistic sources:

      Cost of living in Indiana over the last decade rises 60%, while incomes go up 9%.

      Indiana in bottom 5 states for “quality of life”.

      Tech job migration in midwest has no Indiana component. Actually growing areas are Milwaukee, Madison, Minneapolis and Cleveland.

      Indianapolis last in U.S in parks and quality of parks.

      Indianapolis highest in teen suicides, and highest for teens contemplating suicides.

      Indianapolis ranks among 50 “worst” places to live in the U.S.

      Indiana ranks last for support for seniors and the disabled.

      Indianapolis worst of major cities for water quality.

      Indiana hate crimes up since 20010, and one of 5 states with no hate crime laws.

      Indiana hospital costs “shockingly high”, track between 4 and times allowable Medicare fees.

      Indiana one of the least diverse states.

      Indian one of 6 states where the pay gap between men and women is increasing.

      Indianapolis violent crime up 7%, outpacing the rest of the country.

      Indianapolis 6th highest divorce rate in the country, and one of the worst for dating.

      Indianapolis poverty rate doubled since 2000, to 21.3%.

      Indiana 6th in the country in toxic releases, Indianapolis is first of 50 most populated cities!

      Indiana writes law to make it more difficult to sue companies for harassment.

      Indiana children in the welfare system doubled over the last 5 years, and now double the national average. Indiana now has more children in welfare than any surrounding state, including those with double the population. Governor continues to cut funding to the department.

      Indianapolis has given zero review to 19 police shootings in 2015 and 2016: no explanation, no response, no over site.

      …and the list goes on and on. All you have to do is pay attention to the facts and figures.

    • D Sheldon ⋅

      You are taking this waaay to seriously. I’m from Indy-Tucky, and it does indeed suck in pretty much every way. Ever heard of the term “tongue-in-cheek”? Jezus get a sense of humor.

  47. D Sheldon ⋅

    I too am from Indiana (Fort Wayne area). I tell outsiders that Indiana is the Northern-most Southern state. It’s the middle finger of the deep-south (look at red-state/blue-state map, seriously haha!).

    First, the weather is *abysmal*. In the last couple of years, I’ve seen a summer high of 111 degrees, and the previous winter was -16.

    Most people are VERY close-minded, unfriendly, rude, and self-serving. Mind you, very ‘religious’, but (self-righteous) . Oh, and child-worship is REAL here.

    Being an apolitcal centrist, it is VERY difficult to live in a deep red state. The loyalty to party extends beyond most common sense or ability to reason.

    The air quality is one of the worst in the nation, as is our water. I mean, just drive by our rivers.. you’ll notice the SMELL first, then your stomach will turn when you actually see the “water”. To think we DRINK it and BATHE in it. And allergens are SUPER high here. I’m not too prone to allergies, and even when I’m here I have sinus trouble, watery dry eyes, and trouble breathing. You’ll wash your car, and in two days it will be *literally* covered in pollen. It’s astonishing and unhealthy.

    So, in my 30’s I moved away to the Big Island of Hawaii for three years (until the Volcano went off and the local economy in Hilo took a major hit). It was an eye-opening experience to say the least! Diversity, nature, clean living, culture, outdoor activities, and a general sense of well-being.

    Upon my return to Indy-Tucky, I *quickly* realized that I could not stay. For one thing, the housing prices here are going THROUGH THE ROOF! I truly do not understand why?! Yes, there are jobs here. Factory jobs. But there’s nothing else here! Except restaurants. and bars. and liquor stores. and churches.

    Heading to North Carolina in a few weeks. CAN’T WAIT to leave the crystal meth capitol of the Midwest.

    • D Sheldon ⋅

      OH, and forgot to add, the drivers here are VERY AGGRESSIVE. If you attempt to *politely* change lanes by first using, you know, your turn signal, THEY SPEED UP and won’t let you in! Then if you force your way over, prepare from complete road-rage!

      And most of the food is either deep-fried, smothered in cheese, or full of fat and corn syrup. Not too many health alternatives here.

  48. Boyo! ⋅

    Oh yeah Indiana sucks.

    That being said: I live in Carmel, and Carmel isn’t that bad. It baffles me that it’s in Indiana. But holy shit as soon as you go two towns over it goes to shit again. It’s amazing what a fifteen minute drive can do. Can’t wait to get the hell out of here.

    • Andy Umbo ⋅


      Carmel, Fishers, and to some extent, Zionsville are all republican and wealthy; altho Zionsville has a little bit more lefty flavor from the Euros that live there that all work at Eli Lily. What you need to know is those areas, especially Carmel, was built up by people who abandoned the city, and it’s problems, instead of working on them; even to the extent of building their own performance art center and having their own symphony! They don’t want to step foot in the city! All the right-wing factory owners 100 years ago, went out of their way to attract Appalachian hill-billies who’d work in their factories for nothing, and now they don’t want to live in the crime fruition of their largess!

      The modus operandi of the republican wealthy right in Indiana, is to vote for small government and low taxes, and then move themselves to an enclave no one else can afford to live in, and vote to raise their own property taxes to support the schools and metropolitan area they want. It’s a bait-and-switch that’s been going on in Indianapolis since the 1960’s!

      Glad I’m gone….

  49. AmericanPi ⋅

    Okay, screw you all.

    You’re all entitled to your opinions, but really? You all are talking about how people from Indiana are assholes and so impolite but then whenever someone says “actually, I like it” you swarm in and attack.

    Somebody posting opposite opinions aren’t being assholes. People who respond saying their opinion is stupid are.

    People saying that you may have visited a bad part of the state aren’t being jerks. People who are suggesting nuking the state and killing millions of people are. Seriously, what’s wrong with you that you’re suggesting nuking a state as an option?

    I don’t give a shit if you hate Indiana. I’ve never been, can’t talk about it, but no matter how bad it is, almost every comment could be worded with a little civility.

    • Andy Umbo ⋅

      …sometimes people’s reactions are “knee-jerk” and based on the horror of their environment! Anyone who has been reading comments on internet for a while knows the ridiculous level of discourse that happens.; asking for civility is equally ridiculous. All you can hope for is to parse through the over-growth and try and find the truth; and I think what the truth here is, is that Indiana is a crap-hole!

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